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Handwriting can be a wonderful reminder of a loved one who has passed on. Whether it’s a note, recipe or postcard, we can find comfort in an item with our loved one’s writing on it. There are many creative and unique ways to preserve a loved one’s handwriting forever. Here are a few ways:
Handwriting Sign: You can find many shops online where people are creating signs with handwriting. These signs allow you to customize a specific message with your loved one’s handwriting. This can be a great gift for someone else or a wonderful way to decorate your home with a loved one’s handwriting.
Handwriting Tattoos: For a more permanent approach, you can get your loved one’s handwriting tattooed on your body. There are many examples you can find on Pinterest. Some feel this is a way to always carry your loved one with you.
Shadow box: A shadow box is a great way to showcase more than just your loved one’s handwriting. In the box, you can include photos, small items and pieces with their writing on it. These are fairly simple to make and can help you remember so many aspects of your loved one. You can find an example here.
Handwriting jewelry: Jewelry is a great way to carry your loved one with you. There are many custom jewelry makers online that can include your loved one’s writing on necklaces, bracelets and more.
Framing notes: Instead of creating an entire shadow box, you can just frame a certain piece of writing. This is simple enough to do at home and can be a wonderful piece of decor. You can find frames for handwritten notes, postcards, recipes and more.
Handwriting keychains : Similar to jewelry, there are online shops that will create a keychain with your loved one’s handwriting on it. There are plenty of styles and shapes. You can take your loved one’s writing with you wherever you go.
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